The motivational letter is sometimes mandatory, sometimes optional. Applicants can use a third page to present themselves in the best light, but they can also completely ruin the overall impression. For some applicants, writing the letter is a voluntary addition that provides additional space for warm words. However, applicants who are aiming for a study place or a scholarship usually have to include a motivational letter. There are many things that can go wrong in the process.
What is a motivational letter?
A motivational letter and a cover letter are not the same. The motivational letter complements the cover letter and resume, adding value to the application documents for an internal or external application. The letter is voluntary and not necessarily expected by applicants. It is also referred to as the third page of the application or page three.
However, the term "motivational letter" can also refer to the only document in the application that is written in continuous text. It is required, for example, for scholarships, study places, study abroad programs, or a voluntary social year. In that case, the motivational letter essentially serves as a cover letter, highlighting the candidate's motivation and suitability.
Is a motivational letter worthwhile?
In times of information overload and extremely short attention spans, adding a third page to the application documents may be too much. Recruiters prefer concise and to-the-point information and do not want to be overwhelmed with excessive details. The essential information can already be found in the tabular resume, which is clearly the backbone of every application. Furthermore, one could argue that highly qualified engineers, IT specialists, and technical professionals do not need to promote themselves with a third page since they can often choose their employers in times of a tight labor market.
On the other hand, a third page emphasizes the applicant's motivation, adds a personal touch to the application, and sets the candidate apart from the competition — all good arguments if you really want the job. A motivational letter is also useful when there are peculiarities or gaps in the career that cannot be explained through the cover letter and resume alone. Sometimes there are many requirements for a position that applicants can address additionally in the motivational letter.
It should not be underestimated that a well-structured letter elevates the perceived competence level of a candidate. Many employees struggle with writing cover letters. Those who have some mastery of written storytelling skills are immediately seen in a better light and could even position themselves as potential leaders. While exceptional expertise is one aspect, communication and interpersonal skills are equally indispensable in a managerial position.
By including a motivational letter, applicants demonstrate fundamental virtues such as:
- Motivation
- Commitment
- Willingness to perform
- Determination
- Ambition
- Diligence
How to write a good motivational letter?
A good motivational letter provides added value. It does not simply repeat the content of the cover letter and resume but confidently promotes the sender. This starts with the headline, which should arouse interest and make the recipient curious about the author. Here are some examples of how this can be achieved:
- My Motivation
- About Me
- Why I Want to Work for You
- What You Should Know About Me
- This Is Me
- What Makes Me Unique
- What You Can Expect From Me
- These Are My Top Skills
- What I Have Achieved So Far
- Previous Successes
How should a motivational letter be structured?
There are two basic options for structuring your motivational letter:
Continuous Text
Use connected sentences that concisely convey your motivation, achievements, or strengths. The letter format is more stylistically appealing, reads smoothly (hopefully), but is less structured. If you are writing a motivational letter for a scholarship, study place, or study abroad program, a continuous text is definitely the preferred choice.
Bulleted Lists
A bullet-point enumeration can wonderfully highlight achievements, experiences, or top skills, allowing the recipient to quickly scan and grasp the bullet points. This also sets the document apart from the traditional cover letter. However, an enumeration is less suitable for applicants for study programs or scholarships. They should write in complete sentences and limit lists to the resume.
The motivation letter should not exceed one DIN A4 page in length. This corresponds to approximately 300 to 400 words or 2,400 to 3,200 characters (including spaces). If it is too long, it will inflate the application. However, if the motivation letter is the only self-written document in the application, for example, for a master's program or a scholarship, it can also be two pages long. Two sparse paragraphs, on the other hand, are definitely too little—then it can be omitted altogether.
How do I start the letter?
The first sentence is always the hardest. Every writer knows that, and every applicant probably does too. Here are some examples of introductions that refer to the recipient and encourage further reading:
"When we spoke on the phone some time ago, you mentioned how urgently you were looking for someone who understands database maintenance and SQL. Back then, my knowledge of SQL was rudimentary, but since then, I have significantly advanced it..."
"Originally, applying internally for another position within the company was never an option for me, as I am very satisfied with my current one. However, when I came across the advertised position as project manager for special machine construction, my opinion changed instantly..."
"For years, I have been following the development of your company and took note of the announcement that you are preparing an expansion into South America. With my contacts and experience in the region, as well as my excellent Spanish skills, I could actively support market entry..."
Main Part
The third page only adds value if it contains new facts or provides insights—or presents them in a clear manner. It is conceivable to focus on personal strengths, competencies, achievements, or the connection to the company in more detail in the main part. For example, you could mention awards and accolades, IT skills such as programming languages, or an overview of major construction projects you have worked on as an architect or civil engineer. Personal values, private or volunteer projects can also be elaborated upon here. This way, the company may better assess whether the applicant fits the team or would be an asset.
In the motivation letter, applicants can select and highlight specific highlights while omitting other facts. The third page does not claim to be comprehensive, as the essential data about the person and their career are already provided in the resume. However, the third page can complete the application by clarifying open questions and providing additional information that may have been insufficient or incomplete up to that point.
The following aspects can play a crucial role in the main part:
- Technical competencies
- Soft skills
- Academic achievements
- Professional accomplishments and experiences
- Values
- Connection and identification with the company
- Social and community involvement
On the other hand, if you are writing a motivation letter for a study program, scholarship, or voluntary social year (FSJ), you should follow the classic structure that also applies to cover letters: introduce yourself, highlight personal motivation, state strengths and qualifications, and define goals.
In the concluding part, applicants express gratitude for the interest shown, declare their interest in a meeting and collaboration. A good conclusion radiates self-confidence. Avoid ending with a submissive gesture like "I would be grateful if you would give me a chance" and ruining the final impression.
A successful conclusion could look like this:
"I am determined to actively shape the future of renewable energies – preferably with you."
"My skillset and my personal ambitions are just a perfect match for the position you advertised. I'm really looking forward to getting to know you personally and to the professional exchange."
"My future is clearly in project management in the automotive industry. I am confident that I can convince you of my qualifications in an interview."
Mistakes in the motivational letter:
The motivational letter should not adopt an overly formal tone. Scientific language and complex sentences that attempt to portray intelligence are out of place. The third page is not a thesis. Clarity, organization, and added value are important, preferably in short, concise, and understandable sentences or bullet points. The purpose of the motivational letter is to enhance a job application, not diminish it. Therefore, it should harmonize with the rest of the documents and should not contain spelling or grammar mistakes.
Regarding content, applicants can certainly address their personal values and ambitions, but the motivational letter should not be a political manifesto. That would be off-putting! Another major faux pas is copying or adapting templates circulating on the internet – every HR professional can detect that. In this case, the letter achieves the exact opposite of what it should actually do, implying laziness, lack of honesty and integrity, and lack of drive and creativity on the part of the sender.
Where does the letter fit in the application?
The motivational letter is appropriately referred to as the third page or page three. It is placed after the cover letter and the resume, regardless of the number of pages in the resume. If an applicant wishes to include a cover page, it is sorted before the resume, causing the motivational letter to move back one position. After the motivational letter, include work certificates, certificates, references, and possible work samples.