If you're reading this article, you're probably a teenager looking for a job! It can be challenging to create a resume and find a job when you have little to no experience and are just entering the workforce. But don't worry, this is a guide that will help you find your way!
In this article, you will learn:
- How to create a professional resume
- What to include in the resume when you have little experience
- And some examples to help you visualize what your resume could look like.
Sample Resume Template for Students
Below is a sample template for a resume that can assist you in creating your own resume. Your completed resume should look something like this:
Maxi M.
Phone: 0160-123-5678
Email: maxim@gmx.de
Gymnasium Sankt Michael, Hamburg
Main Courses: Spanish, English, Math, History, and Biology
Reliability and punctuality
Good communication
Time management
Attention to detail
Good team player
Hobbies and Interests
Reading books of all kinds to broaden my horizons
Hiking in nature for balance and experiencing the outdoors
Team sports
Documentary films to learn more about the world
Volunteer Experience
Weekly volunteering at animal shelters
Part of a reading group for kindergarten children after school
Resume Formatting Tips for Students
Keep these tips in mind when creating your resume. Following these guidelines ensures a professional and readable resume.
- Choose an appropriate format
Chronological resumes are the easiest to write and understand.
- Adjust the page margins to the appropriate length
Make sure the margins are not too large or too small to avoid an unpleasant appearance.
- Use a professional font
Avoid fonts like Comic Sans or anything too fancy, stick to Times New Roman or something simple.
- Keep your resume to one page
Keep it concise so employers can quickly and easily navigate through it.
- Save as a PDF
Save your resume template as a PDF file to ensure the formatting remains consistent on all platforms.
What to Include Instead of Experience
Here are some suggestions for how to include your experience in your resume. Many teenagers don't have much work experience, but you can shine with the following content points:
Add bullet points about classes, extracurricular activities, student memberships, internships, and anything relevant to your education.
Hobbies and Interests
Include anything that showcases your relevant skills in this section.
Job-Specific Skills
Try to match the requirements of the job description to your own skills and draw from past experiences.
Volunteer Work
Mention any volunteer work you've done to demonstrate your enthusiasm and motivation.
Additional Sections
Include language skills, personal projects you've undertaken, or other relevant activities.
Here are the key takeaways for students creating a resume:
- Include anything that showcases your positive character
- Highlight your relevant skills
- Express your enthusiasm for the job
- Display all contact information prominently
- Use a helpful resume generator